The Bean Staff
Our name, The Sentient Bean, is more than just a play on words; it is an expression of our ethic. We serve all organic and fair trade coffee, which guarantees that low-income farmers and artisans receive a fair price for their products so they may feed, educate, and care for their families. We are conscious of our impact on our community and our world.
Kelli Pearson
Tall and mischievous, Kelli can usually be found enjoying a good laugh with the New Yorker and rocking out to Dick Dale. Now she’s off to travel the world, but you may still catch a glimpse of her in The Bean in between adventures.
Kristin Russell
Rosie the Riveter meets Julia Child, but oh so much more. Kristin has the brains, the brawn, and the best overalls.
(Alt-Text: Kristin Russell and Claren Jamerson in front of The Sentient Bean).